Monday, March 24, 2025

2023 National Center for Health Statistics Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties

Counties with new classification in 2023 The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) has recently updated its Urban-Rural Classification Scheme for Counties. This update reflects changes in population, development, and community characteristics over the past decade. Below the map, you will find a table listing the 11 counties in Oklahoma that changed classification between 2013 and 2023.

Click the image to open the map as a PDF document.

County 2023 Classification 2013 Classification
Creek CountyLarge fringe metroMedium metro
Garfield CountySmall metroMicropolitan
Le Flore CountyNoncoreMedium metro
Okmulgee CountyLarge fringe metroMedium metro
Osage CountyLarge fringe metroMedium metro
Pawnee CountyLarge fringe metroMedium metro
Rogers CountyLarge fringe metroMedium metro
Sequoyah CountySmall metroMedium metro
Tulsa CountyLarge central metroMedium metro
Wagoner CountyLarge fringe metroMedium metro
Washita CountyMicropolitanNoncore